Bald Eagle I

For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him… 2 Chronicles 16:9

Not long ago my wife and I had the opportunity to go camping, and do some kayaking on a mountain lake. The wind was against us as we started out, and the waves were a bit rough, but we persevered. By the time the sun was getting near the western horizon, we had traveled a good distance. We had thought the wind would be behind us for our paddle back to our campsite, but alas, by the time we were ready to head back, a quiet calm had come over the water. So we turned around and off we went, practicing our paddling technique a bit more than we desired on this long day.

When I’m trying to get somewhere whilst paddling a kayak, I seldom, if ever, look up at the trees above us. I tend to be focused on a point out in front, and on keeping the thing going in a straight line, more or less. Especially if kayaking on flat water. So after traveling a while, there is no doubt the Lord prompted my wife to look straight up as she took a momentary break from paddling.

There perched the eagle pictured above.

Not being one of the eagle’s favorite foods such as a fish, duck, or small mammal, I think it’s pretty cool to have a wild eagle looking right at you from just overhead.

Eagles have two centers of focus – this dual focus allows the bird to see to the side (about a 45 degree angle), and forward at the same time. Eagles can see color, actually more color than humans. Their vision is four-five times greater than a person who has perfect vision. That means if you have 20/20 vision, the eagle can see something from 100 feet away as clearly as you can see it from 20 feet. It is estimated that an eagle can see something the size of a rabbit from three miles away.

That’s pretty amazing.

We’re told in the Bible that man looks at the outside, but God looks at our hearts. I’m not sure how far God has to look concerning the Scripture verse under the photo. Perhaps it’s a ways, perhaps not far at all. I just know His vision is perfect from any distance.

Maybe the truth of this Scripture is something you didn’t know, or needed to be reminded of today.

I know I did. Hope you have a great day.

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