Mountain Vapor and Clouds

Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit”; Whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. James 4:13-14

There are many reasons I like to hike the mountains, especially off of man-made trails. One reason I’ve mentioned before is that I never know what type of treasure I’m going to find as I crisscross ridges and valleys (see Mountain Treasures, Springtime in the mountains III).

Although the section of the mountains pictured above has obviously been here a long time, it was new to me the day I took the photo. In years past I’ve hiked both the north and south edges of this range, but had never gotten this far into the heart of these particular mountains before.

It was a cool day, which is about perfect for hiking. But as Cosmos the Wonderdog and I approached, I hoped we wouldn’t be hiking in a lot of fog. When that happens, no matter what clothing I’ve got on, the dampness still tends to permeate most everything. And I don’t seem to enjoy the hike as much when I’m wearing lots of wet raingear. Plus, safety can be a bit compromised, as it is difficult to see very far in any direction when walking about in a cloud.

This area is vast, and there was no way we were going to cover it all in one day. So I prayed for wisdom as to where to go. Fortunately for us, the low-lying clouds, along with occasional rain showers, appeared off and on all around us during the day, but not where we hiked. It was almost as if an invisible Hand had opened up a space for us to hike in which was not only dry, but also yielded spectacular views. In fact, as we ate our lunch, we got to watch a herd of elk grazing on top of the next ridge. We even found treasures – three shed antlers – on the hike as God blessed us above and beyond what I’d asked for.

As I watched the moving clouds fill up the valleys and touch the tops of the surrounding mountains, the above verse came to mind. God was using the writer to let us know we need to be humble about making our plans, and be sure they line up with those He has for us. Things can, and do, change, and our lives are not forever. In the light of eternity, I think the word-picture of our lives being like a vapor is truly appropriate.

If you’re not sure how to have direct access to the One Who created you, and knows the plans He has for you, please see Got God? Hope you have a great day.

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