Basalt Columns

“No one is holy like the LORD, For there is none besides You, Nor is there any rock like our God. 1 Samuel 2:2

Whilst hiking near a series of waterfalls, we came across some geological formations worth remembering.  The rock pictured above is basalt, which is the result of rapidly cooling lava.

When things cool off, they tend to shrink. If the object is large, like say, a large, hot rock, then the cooling takes place at different rates throughout the material. This causes stress on the entire rock. There is a rather complex mathematical formula – which I don’t claim to understand – which states that in order to release this stress, the solid, cooling object tends to crack in the hexagonal shape like you can see in the above photo. This pattern relieves the maximum stress in the least amount of distance, if that makes any sense.

If you can understand that, you are doing well.

Have you ever seen a honey comb? Did you notice the pattern of the individual cells?

They too are hexagons. The six-sided cells fit together without any gaps between them, which makes for a very efficient use of space; same goes for the minimal amount of material (bees wax) needed for construction. And this hexagonal shape is very strong, with great resistance to compression or damage.

How did God think of all this?

In the above Scripture, God is described as a Rock, One Who is solid, immovable, and holy like none other. Do you personally know the Intelligent Designer Who spoke things like this into existence? Amazingly enough, He wants a relationship with you. Please see Got God?

Hope you have a great day.

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