
And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Galatians 6:9

Sometimes whilst hiking the mountains, I get to see things I think are rather remarkable. I’ve walked past this tree a few times over the years and I don’t think there has been a time that I haven’t stopped to study it. Years ago a small seed from a ponderosa pine landed among these big rocks. The chance of that seed surviving even a year had to be close to zero. From the size of this tree, I would guess it to be at least forty years old. It seems that little seed did pretty well for itself considering the circumstances it had to deal with in life.

I am fortunate to be friends with people who are a bit like this tree. They have been dealt very tough circumstances in life, some right from the start, others a little later in life. And yet they are so tenacious and courageous that they are nothing short of an inspiration to me. They may become discouraged from time to time, but overall they do not grow weary because they do not lose heart – nor faith in the One Who died for them on a cruel wooden cross 2000 years ago.

The desire to survive is strong in the wild, as it is in people. And not to just survive, but to thrive. It is how God ordained the world to function. How amazing that the King of the universe would give up His desire to survive, and instead choose to die for those of His kingdom.



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