Butterflies III – Great Spangled Fritillary

“Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My name. He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him, And show him My salvation.” – Psalm 91:14-16

There are an estimated 18,000 species of butterflies on this planet. Most adult butterflies fly for only about 2 – 4 weeks before they die. Some take flight for only 2 days! However, the Great Spangled Fritillary butterfly is able to fly for about 3 – 4 months before this stage of its life cycle is finished – from approximately June into September.

Adult butterflies consume only liquids, drinking water for hydration and nectar from flowers to obtain sugar for energy (see above photo). Over the years the Lord has allowed me to get very close to critters without spooking them, and that was certainly the case when I took this picture.

Butterflies also take in minerals – especially sodium – for reproduction. If they don’t get enough minerals from flowers, they will seek out sodium wherever they can find it. That may even include landing on humans to capture some of the salt that is on our skin. But more commonly, butterflies find salt in damp soil/mud. I posted a cool photo and explanation of this in Butterflies II.

I find it interesting that this particular butterfly lives much longer than most of its cohorts.

Since the halfway point of my life is now in my rearview mirror, I am especially attentive to what God says in the above Scripture passage. I like all the topics brought up in these verses, including the idea of Him satisfying me with a long life, and showing me His salvation.

If you are not sure about His salvation – which means for all eternity – please see Got God?

Hope you have a really great day.

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