Jumping Fawn

“But for you who fear My name [with awe-filled reverence] the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go forward and leap [joyfully] like calves [released] from the stall. – Malachi 4:2 AMP

For many years we’ve been blessed to see deer gracefully leaping and jumping as we go on our walkabouts through our neighborhood.  Sometimes we, or other “critters,” startle the deer – and it turns and leaps to get out of the way. Other times it seems the deer are trying to get a better look at their surroundings by gaining a bit of elevation. But there are also times (many times, actually) when the animal appears to be jumping simply because it can, just from the sheer joy of being alive and healthy.

The above photo was captured by my trail-cam while I was camping in the mountains. It was Autumn, and although not unique to this area, I was a little surprised to see a deer that still had such prominent spots on its fur. By this time of year, around our home, the spots on the fawns have usually started to fade away. One explanation could be that this fawn was born late in the season, and was younger than the others I was seeing.

As I studied the photo and the landscape, I couldn’t determine why this young deer chose to leap at this particular time.  But the image of the fawn leaping straight toward my camera at just this moment is the only one I have from this perspective. I’ve never captured such a shot in all the pictures of deer I have taken over the years.

The above Scripture speaks of a promise from God to people who have reverence and fear of His name. And that promise is pretty appealing to me!

If you’ve never considered a relationship with the God Who created everything, I encourage you to see Got God?

Jesus is waiting for you even as you read this with His arms open wide to welcome you.

Hope you have a great day.

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