Springtime in the Mountains IV

Then, at his command, it all melts. He sends his winds, and the ice thaws. Psalm 147:18 NLT

Signs of a long awaited, and much welcomed, thaw are beginning to reach my small corner of the world. There is still a lot of snow in the high country. Several feet, actually. But in the foothills where I live, signs of spring are struggling to emerge.

Psalm 147 speaks of God’s love for those who put their hope in His unfailing love. How He provides food and the changing of the seasons without us even asking Him to do it.

It was actually the ice formations on the old stalks of grass that caught my attention for this photo. But after looking at the picture a little more closely, it is the ice and the green grass right next to it that make it appealing to me. Especially considering the colder than usual winter we’ve had. Even after lying dormant under a blanket of snow for months, the grass is still green, still alive, and ready for the warm sun to shine on it.

Actually, so am I!

Hope you have a great day.

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